
Picture of a scary-looking Seamus Davey-FitzpatricScary! Creepy! Too much movie-watching about little boys named Damien!

So. For today’s procrastination, we need something uplifting. Easy enough for doofuses like moi, yet definitely not 6-6-6-ish in any way, shape or form, unless it wants to tell you everything is gonna be okay—and if you want to have another cookie, just go ahead because you’ve been working out so hard you deserve it.

No, wait… that last bit is my diet talking.

Anyway… the answer is: Continue reading “06/06/06!”

City Jumper

Here’s an excellent little timewaster for you… City Jumper. The game is kind of like this Russian guy’s workout regimen, except there’s no techno-music stuff in the background and our jumper is a stick figure who tries to grab seagulls.

Controls are simple: left arrow lets you jump a little. Right arrow lets you jump a lot. Down arrow lets you pause and think things over.

Picture of City Jumper man in 'rest mode' as he figures out what to do

Be careful you don’t crash, otherwise body parts will fly everywhere!

Picture of City Jumper man after he crashed into a building. Body parts are everywhere!

And as my boys keep telling me, I have no game skills. But hey! I’m no quitter! The ironing can wait until I master this!

Bonnie's score in City Jumper game: she sucks

Via Digg.com.

Flash Bowling Game

This is a fun little Flash bowling game, good for wasting what little time I had left today to get the grocery shopping in.

Picture of the Flash Arcade Lanes bowling game

The instructions are located in a link positioned just below the game; you can indicate your starting point for the throw, the direction of throw, and spin on the ball. You also get to pick your own shoes and watch while the guy sprays them down.

Picture of hand holding spray can, spraying bowling shoes

I’ve never been good at bowling, but with a little practice… maybe….

Screenshot of Bonnie's score. She sucks.

Eh, never mind!

Fancypants Man: better than a giant rolling gum wad!

Screenshot from game 'Fancypants Adventures'


I swore I’d never get into any complicated type of game where you travel around and collect a neverending supply of magic thingies and have to learn all these complicated keystroke combinations just to move, not to mention get out of the way of the giant rolling gum wad or whatever it is that’s after you.

Because… to put it as simply as possible… I am an uncoordinated rube with no game talent whatsoever. Yes, yes, it’s sad, but I live with it.

And yet The Adventures of Fancypants Man game has precious little to remember so that even I—yes, MOI—can actually work it. And it’s cute. Cute art, cute music, cute little Fancypants Man.

Turn the volume down before you click if you’re supposed to be crunching some numbers at work. (Just trying to be helpful, there.) And dang, watch out for those spiders!

Screenshot of spiders attacking Mr. Fancypants Man

Otherwise you’ll end up like this:

Screenshot of you player when he's been killed... he turns into an angel

If you go behind the “Options” door you can change the color of Fancypants’ pants. Heh! I am so easily amused.

Via Digg

Pounding salt: updated

Ever feel like you’re doing nothing but running into brick walls all day?

Screenshot from Pound Ice Game

Doesn’t it feel good when you finally “break through”?

Screenshot from Pound Ice Game

Unfortunately, I am the most uncoordinated person on this planet.

Screenshot from Pound Ice Game

The Pound Ice game requires a Flash player and is kind of loud, so if you’re at work you might want to turn off the sound before you click on the link.

Not that you would waste time at work on a silly little game like this, or anything. I’m just saying.

We want doing that picture with the humanity letter!

I don’t know what’s more fun:

  1. Having my very own “human cheer groups” transform Mojo’s mug shot into a stadium flipcard mosaic, or
  2. the translated instructions that accompany this toy!

Picture of Mojo as a mosaic of stadium flipcards

Upload a simple picture (not too much detail, under 500 kb, and as close to square as possible) by clicking on the “Browse” button and finding the photo you want on your computer. Then hit the button directly under the file name—the button is in Japanese, but it IS a button.

Close-up view of stadium
Take a look at the detail of the produced image: a whole army of little stadium flipcard flippers!

The site went down when it first started to receive attention… so if you only get text back, or if you get a strange picture that’s in black and white, it’s the Japanese character for “Busy, try again later!”

Or, as the translated instructions say, “When request for support is intensive, when the filter which is done you wait, it is.”

Via Digg.com.

On mutant bougainvilleas, teenage cousins and giant skeletons

Picture of rainbow over our town

I took this picture yesterday at 6:45 pm, just as the double rainbow began to fade.

For those who care, the scary branches in the corners of the photo are our killer mutant bougainvilleas moving in to grab me. They’ll attack even when I’m holding my hedge trimmer—especially when I’m holding my hedge trimmer. Bougainvilleas take hedge trimmers personally.

Anyway. I like to think this rainbow landed in my town to celebrate the event of my niece and nephew visiting for Easter Break. Normally Tiger and Squirt don’t get to spend much time with their cousins—apparently 24-hour connections via cell phones don’t count as spending time with anybody—so they’re having a blast.

They’re also depleting all food stuffs within a 25-foot radius of my house.

TIGER: Mom, we’re out of food.

BONNIE: What? I just bought three days worth of groceries!

TIGER: Is there anything else to eat?

I must therefore go to the store. Again.

Yup. I’ve got to go to the store soon.

Or, rather, I will go to the store, as soon as I finish scrolling through all the Photoshop contest entries at Worth1000.com.

See, they set up competitions with rules like, “Architectural Anomalies: You are to create an archaeological hoax. Your job is to show a picture of an archaeological discovery that looks so real, had it not appeared at Worth1000, people might have done a double take.”

Then all these crack Photoshoppers rise up to the challenge and create the photos my Aunt Matilda insists on forwarding to everybody on her AOL friends list as proof that a giant skeleton really was unearthed in Saudi Arabia.

Some of my recent favorites:

Okay, NOW I’ll go to the store.