
Picture of a scary-looking Seamus Davey-FitzpatricScary! Creepy! Too much movie-watching about little boys named Damien!

So. For today’s procrastination, we need something uplifting. Easy enough for doofuses like moi, yet definitely not 6-6-6-ish in any way, shape or form, unless it wants to tell you everything is gonna be okay—and if you want to have another cookie, just go ahead because you’ve been working out so hard you deserve it.

No, wait… that last bit is my diet talking.

Anyway… the answer is: Dr. Carter Wheels of Salvation Game!

Screenshot of beginning of game

When little Dr. Carter’s head is pointing at a wheel, press your UP arrow and he’ll shoot in that direction. Even if he hits the bottom of the wheel, he’ll grab on. You want him to go up, up, UP until he gets above-ground, because while he’s rolling, the lava is slowly making its way up, too.

Screenshot showing the lava channels filling on their way up

And if you wait too long, Dr. Carter will get swallowed by molten flame!

Screenshot of lava lake and Dr. Carter gone!

And you’ll get a message like this:

Screenshot message that says 'You lost a life!'

But don’t worry. Even I did pretty well on this one, considering how much I was distracted by that dang cookie.

4 Replies to “06/06/06!”

  1. Hi, guys. I’ve got another big day today… don’t know when I’ll be able to check in later.

    I hope A likes the game, Michelle. It might be awfully simplistic for you, Pat, and other reasonably coordinated gamers out there. You’re in a group to which I definitely do not belong.

    I don’t like really scary movies either, Dennie. After I saw The Ring I had to sleep with the night light on.

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