Watch all the Super Bowl commercials back to back!

Scene from the movie 'Poseidon'

You may or may not know we’ve been without a working cable connection in the house since 1994. Our TV never got network reception, either, hence the infamous Wren Cultural Void.

Does this mean that when we are exposed to TV in any way, shape or form, we look upon it with the disdain it wholeheartedly deserves?

Fabio does Venice
Sexy senior gondola-paddling citizen

No. We slobber over it.

We slobbered over it on Super Bowl Sunday at my sister’s house. And today, I’m slobbering over the commercials.

And now you can slobber, too! Either pick and choose which commercials you like, or toss away 20 minutes by watching them all!

My goodness, that GoDaddy girl is… healthy.

As for my favorite, I don’t know. You’ve got to love Fabio being willing enough to parody himself. And that Clydesdale colt pushing the beer wagon was awfully cute. But I have a soft spot for movie previews. And surprise! They’re remaking The Poseidon Adventure!

The other movie preview was for V for Vendetta, which looks like a combo of Phantom of the Opera and 1984. Sure, I’d go see it.

Magnum PI!One commercial not on this Google video list—probably because it was for a TV show—almost knocked me off my sister’s sofa. There he was!

Magnum PI!

Proposing to Murphy Brown!

Be still, my heart.

5 Replies to “Watch all the Super Bowl commercials back to back!”

  1. Yep. I gotta vote for the horsy. Human babies send me running in the opposite direction. Pink, screaming things, ugh. But baby horses…SQUEE!

    Props to Fabio for the satire, but still…what is up with that huge jaw? Ick, ick, icky Fabio.

    [Wandering away to Hugh Jackman fan site to espunge Fabio image from my mind.]

  2. The Fedex commercial had me cackling. The one that pushed that commercial from the number one spot for the fambily unit was the McGyver spot.

    The Clydes always are favourites. The streaker this year had my family rolling. Such dry humour from that farmer.

    Can’t wait to see what they come up with next year.

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