Super Sabado… er… Domingo again

This weekend I got wrapped up in upgrading my blog software and Super Sabado got pushed aside again. Super Domingo isn’t so bad, but I’m missing my margaritas, so let’s break out that blender and get going!

Holy crank! My favorite politically incorrect bad boy is back!

Chad chronicles the consumer flotsam and jetsam making its way past his cubicle opening, from Ghost Poop to Night Vision Goggles (“I’m As Badass As The Guy In Silence Of The Lambs Now.”) What ties Chad’s world together: he can get it all from!

Picture of MiskatonicNick, the Olsen Twins & Darth Vader
Darth Vader senses a presence he has not felt since Mary Kate & Ashley released their last video.

MiskatonicNick hasn’t been on any adventures lately, so I entertain myself with reruns of the old classics. You haven’t seen Barbie until you’ve seen Sith Barbie: Toyville 2: a tale too far….

Thanks to Pat Kirby I enjoyed the ENTIRE ARCHIVES of a genre-bending comic strip about two wild and crazy aliens just trying to get a break in the Big Apple.

More Goodies

Charlaine Harris reveals her rule about reviewing other writers’ books on her blog: “Every now and then my tongue runs away with me, and I say something about some icon who is coasting on reputation — but truly, I try hard not to.”

Which reminds me: (and how is that for an awkward segue?) It’s time for Asimov’s fans to vote for their favorites in the Asimov’s 2005 Readers’ Award Poll. Deadline is Feb. 1, 2006.

Speaking of deadlines, don’t miss the one for the “Ban the Blues” Writing Contest, put on by San Diego’s very own Georganna Hancock. You’ve got until Jan. 31, 2006. First and second prize winners will be published, and four runnerups will each win a new book. Entry fee: $5.

Here’s another San Diegan’s site I’d like to share: Cool/Weird by Charlie Wallace, who photographs scenes I see almost every day. Check out what we locals call “Swami’s” (AKA the Self Realization Fellowship in Encinitas.) Paramahansa Yogananda built the temple above some of the best surfing in the area and he always insisted surfers could have full access through temple property to the waves. The surfers nicknamed him “Swami” when they saw him meditating on the cliff.

If you prefer scenes of more exotic locales, take a peek at what Justitia gets to see every day!

Scribbles and Bits

This one is for you, A.E.! Screamwriter gives his professional take on Underworld: Evolution.

More movie updates: Mel told us what her husband thought of Brokeback Mountain but forgot to give us her opinion.

The world is still waiting to hear if the Grouchypants Baby has arrived yet.

Twerpette pointed out a great list of differences between men and women as compiled by the BBC!

Robert Waugh has some very interesting neighbors with some unusual fire codes.

Bonnie Calhoun got our butt muscles in a bunch over cruise control dangers, but made up for it with a wicked joke. Bad Bonnie! Bad Bonnie!

Poor Kait’s got a dishwasher that’s trying to wash her kitchen floor, too. Not good, but perhaps not as bad as the remodel that’s left Pat kitchen-impaired.

And exciting news: Dennie’s got a cover for her book, Her Passion!  Congratulations, Dennie!

For all of you who made it through to the end, here’s a quick little diversion for you: What Old People Do For Fun.

Have a good week, everybody!

4 Replies to “Super Sabado… er… Domingo again”

  1. I totally forgot to say what i thought of the movie! I updated now, in case you were wondering 🙂

  2. Underworld was the reward for dealing with NiagraFallsDishwasher and the lino that sparkles in only one spot.

    Movie good. Made K happier and saved Dawg from certain torture—having Two-toes push him out of bed while he sleeps.

  3. Hee. Toyville 2 is mucho funny.

    Actually, I find that any publicity, including bad [reviews] is good for a book. In fact, there are certain bloggers/writers/editors who I never agree with and who I use as a barometer for what to read. If they hate it, I will like it. I’ve put up bad reviews of book and had readers say the bad review enticed them to read the book.

    It’s way worse for a book to get no attention.

  4. Pat, I agree, with one exception: when a popular writer (who’s making a good living from writing) criticizes a book from a not-so-well-established author. Critics and bloggers are one thing, but imagine Stephen King blasting a struggling author!

    Charlaine Harris is doing well enough (and has a big enough following of devotees) that it’s probably best she only mentions the ones she likes. Unless the author’s a “coasting icon,” of course.

    Hey, guys! [waves to Kait and Mel] I want to see both movies, but will probably wait ’till they come out on DVD.

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