Monday Morning Mojo No. 40: Afternoon Edition

Remember this picture?

Mojo on his bed: it has one chew hole in it

As I deduced in June, Mojo was slowly dismantling his bulldog bed as part of a sneaky plot to take over our couch.

Now I have more proof. See below:

Bulldog bed with three chew holes in it

Sneaky, sneaky, sneaky. There are three new holes in this bed, not to mention a whole lot of bulldog hair on my couch. I told Hubby this would happen, but nobody ever listens to me.

I couldn’t come down too hard on Mojo, though, especially after Friday night, when I could barely get out of the van because I was so stiff and sore from the day’s work. As I crept to my front door, I knew I had two full days of Snack Bar Insanity ahead of me, starting at 5:30 am the next morning.

On the other side of our front door was Mojo. The boys and Hubby and a sink full of dirty dishes waited for me in the kitchen… but Mojo—he sat by the front door. He followed me around all evening, as if he missed me so much he had to make up for it somehow.

The next two days doing Snack Bar/Hospitality were hard, sure, but that stinky little bulldog was always ready to greet me when I came home, and while I was gone he never left dirty dishes in the sink. That kind of loyalty goes a long way in overlooking bulldog hair on the couch.

If he chews up his bed the rest of the way, though, all bets are off.

14 Replies to “Monday Morning Mojo No. 40: Afternoon Edition”

  1. Awwwww…..what a sweet face. I’m so tickled he greeted you each night.

    Welcome back and I hope you get rested.

    Good job, Mojo. Uhm, not the chewing, ok? 😀

  2. There’s no love like that of a pup – especially when he’s eaten his bed and trying to get on your good side! 😉

  3. That’s how I look at it, Dennie. He knows I’m on to him.

    Hey, Kristen, maybe he’ll listen to you. He definitely doesn’t listen to me, at least where chewing is concerned.

  4. Neither does Two-toes hence the missing watering system and hoses chewed into 2 foot sections. LOL.

    You can always send him up here and let Mojo get into trouble with Two-toes and the Queen of OCD.

    No chew, Mojo. Cuddles and love instead. 😉

  5. My dog ‘Deojie’ follows me around like I’m the queen of the world. It does make you feel good. Even if there are dirty dishes awaiting you!!!

  6. Hmmmmm? Pretty smart pup. No offense, but I think I’ll put my money on Mojo in the battle of the couch.

    Ciao chica…glad you survived the weekend! 😉

  7. We have a corgi. She was a rescue. We brought her home to help keep our American Eskimo, who was getting up there in years, and sedentary in habits, fit.

    The corgi was underweight. We fed her. She chewed the rails on an antique rocker and the edge off a handmade table. Yes, I had loved both pieces. Yes, both are still in my living room. She started in on the new dining room chairs. We fed her more. And more. Anything to stop the chewing.

    Now she’s too fat. Husband reads that corgis that are too fat get back problems. (I may be a corgi) So we put the corgi on a diet. That means the Eskimo, who’s somewhat fitter than he was, but has never really packed it on, has to be on a diet also.

    Being on a diet means picking up the foodbowls after an appropriate interval. Yesterday, I find corgi chewing on a sanddollar shell.

    I put the food bowls back down.

  8. Listen to Kristen, Mojo! Listen to Kristen!

    Mimi, your Deojie sounds like a sweetie to me.

    Michelle… if he gets to go Down Under, then so do I!!! Especially since it’s so nice and frosty down there right now.

    Just like Häagen-Daz, Bernita. (Coffee Chocolate Chip, to be exact.)

    After today, I think you’ll win that bet, Teri. There might be some negotiations in our future.

    M.G.: I didn’t know Corgis were known for chewing. Now I know for sure I have Corgi blood in me.

    I wonder if I should write about that snack bar, April. It was awful! I was a terrible snack bar leader!

    Bonnie: you’re right! That’s how I met up with Hubby!

    Elizabeth, everybody says that, until they see I often have to take a baby wipe to his butt.

    Bayou, he’s cute in a strange and stinky sort of way. But a certain Shiba Inu I know of is gorgeous.

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