Pity the poor ice chest

6 am Snack Bar Prep:

Bonnie unwraps cases of sodas and posititions them neatly within ice chests, alternating with layers of ice.

12 pm Snack Bar Upkeep:

Bonnie rips open cases of sodas and lets them fall into the ice chests. If they can’t mix themselves up, they don’t deserve ice.

3 pm Snack Bar Upkeep:

Bonnie drops whole cases of soda into ice chests. When one lid won’t close, she sits on it. Then she stomps it.

5 pm Snack Bar Upkeep

When Bonnie walks past the ice chest, she kicks it. Hard.

Things will be sporadic from here until Sunday night, when the snack bar ends and Hubby drags my broken body home. This means… no Super Sabado on Saturday. Probably no Monday Morning Mojo, either.

We’ll see.

9 Replies to “Pity the poor ice chest”

  1. Stay safe and as sane as you can.

    We’ll miss your humour and keep a light on.

    And a few of your favourite drinks/snacks that don’t resemble Snack Bar fair. πŸ˜‰

  2. Mother’s who run snack bars at swim meets (or cross country meets or boy scout jamborees or…well you get the picture) deserve sainthood.

  3. Awwhhh! You poor thing…Keep it tight, or you might feel the urge to start shaking of warm cans before handing them out…ROFLOL! just give ’em five minutes in the cooler to feel cold…LOL…it still explodes…LOL *insert evil laughter here*

  4. What!!! What will i read for the next few days πŸ™
    You need a “blogsitter” in times like this!
    Stay sane, we’ll miss you!

  5. Lala Scrivano would have written them a check, any sized check to avoid this. She would have made it out ‘To Whom it May Concern’ if it meant people would stop calling her and nattering about soda and ice chests.

    Then she would have mixed herself an oversized martini.

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