Monday Morning Mojo No. 25: the St. Paddy’s Day Massacre

There’s one less leprechaun running around here lately.

WHAT: One St. Patrick’s Day Hat

HOW: We’re not exactly sure, since it happened on Hubby’s watch.

Hubby may be an excellent engineer who can solve technical problems as efficiently as a kindergarten teacher fills paste jars; he may even be the kind of guy who can glance over a workout partner over and see that the guy isn’t squeezing his triceps muscle correctly during a French Press; yet his observant and well-educated brain is just only so much kibble in a determined bulldog’s paw.

BONNIE’S REACTION: So how did this happen?

HUBBY’S REACTION: He found it and chewed it up. What? There’s more?


7 Replies to “Monday Morning Mojo No. 25: the St. Paddy’s Day Massacre”

  1. Savannah – what do you consider short!?!?!…

    Mojo strikes again – why is when you are watching him what he chews is a tragedy or detrimental to his health but when the hubby is , well hmm – no biggie – MEN – sheesh! 🙂

  2. Mojo strikes again.

    Interesting chew choice.

    Thanks for the first day of spring giggle.

  3. Hmmm. Ya know what? I’m getting suspicious. I mean, there’s never any actual footage of the Mojo-doggie-man mauling hapless technology and elfin Irish icons.

    Fess up, Ms. Wren. Those are your teeth marks, no?

  4. Did the leprechaun escape with his life, or will his family put his picture on the back of a carton of Irish Cream?

  5. I dunno! I think I’d have chewed it up too. I hate that color green. It doesn’t go well at all with my complexion…LOL…ROFLOL!

    If those are Bonnie’s teeth mark, she needs to get those bicuspids worked on…LOL!

  6. Thank you, Bonnie, I knew I could depend on you.

    Pat, trying to out me, eh? Just wait ’till next week, when you see what he did to our house. My teeth ain’t that strong, no sirree.

    Heh, Mel!

    Kait, ay, the 1st Day of Spring blew past me. Didn’t even realize. I’ve been sitting in the car for too long.

    Savannah, what… you channeling Randy Newman? Are you old enough to remember the anti-discrimination protests inspired by that song?

    Dennie, I don’t know—I think some of it also has to do with the value of the item destroyed!

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