It’s Tiger’s fault!

BONNIE: Tiger, have you done your homework?

TIGER: Mom, not now! I’m… passing… THROUGH THE CUBE FIELD!

BONNIE: The cube what?


(furiously types out an IM)

i set the record on cubed! who the king? i da king.

BONNIE: What happened to using capital letters?

TIGER: (hits return and starts another IM)

334982 hoo rah

(turns to his mom)

Sorry, Mom, but I had to show Matt how I TOTALLY RULE IN CUBE FIELD. (throws fist into air)

BONNIE: And that is…?

TIGER: You have to dodge these cubes, and it gets harder and harder, until you hit one. It’s really simple but it gets hard. That’s my high score! 334982! Wait a minute…

(he pauses as an IM comes in)

IM: 1985954 Not a record Sorry Tiger

BONNIE: Doesn’t anybody care about punctuation any more?

TIGER: WHAT? He got over a million? NO-O-O-O-O-O!

BONNIE: Let me try that…

(one hour later)

BONNIE: NO-O-O-O! How come this is so hard?

TIGER: I told you! Now let me have it back! You’ve played it long enough!

HUBBY: I’m home! What’s for dinner?

TIGER: Um, I think we’re busted, Mom.

Screenshot of Cube Field game

6 Replies to “It’s Tiger’s fault!”

  1. Dare I click? Will it suck me into a time sink and make me forget what I was going to do today?

    I’m afeared. Very afeared.

    Oh gawd. I clicked.

    I’m doomed.

    Doomed, I say.

    save me………..

  2. Hey, quit with the games already. I’m soooo addicted to the Tip Top game it isn’t funny. Only Level 11 so far.

  3. Hi, Meg! You’ve got to 11? I can never get very far with these games. I keep trying and trying, but they always defeat me.

    Oh, and tell Django Cat that Mooch and Bucky want to hang out.

    Let me try a grin with a colon, hyphen and parenthesis:


    Kait, I am always swirling around in time sinks. You know what they say about misery’s love for company. If I’m gonna swirl, at least I’ll have Kait swirling with me.

    Meg, however, is rising above us, the turncoat.

  4. That game is SO ADDICTING! I suck at it, yet I find myself still playing.

    It’s addicting like that ABCD game with the colored blocks… did anyone ever play that?

  5. Dear Bonnie…I don’t think it was wise that I gave in and “clicked” and discovered the Cube. Took me back to my “centipede” days many years ago. I need to go to the store, then write, then edit, and all I want to do is play the Cube and get busted!

    Thanks for the diversion. Great! Also, love your interaction with your “boys.” Reminds me of my own tribe. I love your stories.

    Ciao chica…have a great day.


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