Help me out here: delurk!

I’ve been busy catching up on stuff I left undone while reduced to a liquid state during our recent heat wave. And as Dennie said recently, “sorry can’t think of anything witty…” I can’t even create a fun little procrastination post. My brain is still mushy.

So I thought, Hey! There’s a whole bunch of people who stop by here every day! Why not let them introduce themselves? Why not ask then to tell me a little bit about themselves: how they found me, what other sites they like to visit and why, or what’s near and dear to their hearts lately in general—kind of a “this is who I am” type of thing.

Regular commenters (whom I love and adore—mmm-wah! to all of you!) why don’t you remind everybody here who you are, too?

And whoa! How scary is this??? What if nobody responds, not even regular commenters? That would be embarrassing, hoo yeah.

33 Replies to “Help me out here: delurk!”

  1. who am I? um, well, … hmm – Dennie McD aka author Denise Belinda McDonald aka mommy and wifey…

    I think you found me first – but lawdy that was a year ago or so, so I can’t remember – shorter than short attention span ya know…

    I am a writer of smutty things – hehe – and I LOVE IT. I have a warped sense of humor, see things from the opposite angle of a lot of folks… not much else to tell, I guess… that pretty much sums me up – LOL

  2. De-lurking here =)) Not sure how I got here (but that can be true of many places I find myself, hehe). Mom to three active boys, I love your sense of humor (and the fact you have “Make it so #1 on your button” tickles me!! Relatively new here (I would say I have been “lurking” for about a month.

    Well maybe I did post about your dog story now that I remember, so I guess I am not a true luker, heehe.. Have a great day.

  3. Not a lurker…much. 😉

    I found Bonnie thanks to Miss Snark and followed the breadcrumbs to this wonderful spot and then fell in love with Mojo the wonder dog.

    I’m a chaos-loving mom of two kids, two dogs, two cats, an aquarium of fish (still swimming, surprise!) and one rabbit.

    Rumour has it I’m a writer but it seems that writing gig is currently hiding while I deal with painting walls, pulling up carpet, laying hardwood floors and resisting the call of a 14-foot trampaline.

    I blame everything on the choas god and the sock-stealing washer. Or is it the dryer that did it?

    Back to lurking while I did myself out of travel-itis induced clutter/mayhem.

  4. Oh geeze, do you really want the whole internet to know that in two years I’ll be an OAP?

    But the best thing in the whole wide world is that I’m going to be agreat-grandma to Madalynne, due the 28th of August! Whoo Hoo, I just wish I was in CA and not England this month:-(

  5. Hiya! Mel here. I don’t remember how I got here, but I liked Bonnie enough to keep coming back!

    I am a teacher in Texas with a great Hubby but no kids… yet. Although, the more blogs I read about people’s kids and the things they do for them (snack bar?) the more I think my students are all the children I need!

  6. Lachlan here… and I can’t quite recall how I found your fine blog; seems to me it was another lady writer, such as Karmatown or Not A Shrinking Violet.

    Anyway, I’m the writer/proprietor/instigator of My So-Called Blog. And I am here to admit my addiction (heretofore hidden) to Monday Morning Mojo.

    There. I said it. Whew!

  7. How did Kristen get a pic instead of grass… (you know it’s the little things that sidetrack me so…)

  8. Laurel Wreath, welcome! A fellow Trekker, hunh?

    Kristen, I think the chaos god has been messing with me a bit. Thanks to you, I know who (whom?) to blame.

    Vanda, I had to look up “OAP“! Right now San Diego is nice and cool, but the rest of California is kind of hot. My goal has always been to get to the UK in some way. I did it once, in a layover at Heathrow. Not enough time to leave the airport and sightsee, though.

    Mel, I think we found each other through Mamasita’s blog. I’ll always remember your story about almost setting fire to the classroom with the sugar-free carrot cake.

    Hi, Lachlan. I think the first post I remember reading at your blog was how you converted to Macs. You really pulled one over on me the way you set it up… I thought you were about to announce transgender surgery or something!

    Dennie, Kristen’s got a gravatar. If you get one, it’ll show up at any gravatar-enabled blog, including mine. You can use your Blogger gravatar to register… that’s what I did.

  9. Hi, Bonnie. I’m a lurker, too, a slacker with a boring job that gives me lots of time to read up on Mojo and swim meet snack bars. 🙂 I found you through Kristen. She’s a good writing friend.

  10. I’m a lurker too. Wow, that sounds so illicit.

    Anyway, I’m Jaye and don’t remember how I found your blog, but I’m glad I did.

    I’m a writer and domestic goddess living in Texas. I have a grumpy dog, too–a boxer who thinks he’s a cat. I think he and Mojo would get along famously.

  11. No lurker here just a “legal eagle” from down under 😉 I don’t come to visit with Bonnie, i come for Mojo, and the games, Bonnie you do give good games! Lordy, i can’t remember how i found you, but i think you were new to all this, wow, it seems like ages. Time flies and i’m grateful that i can spend some time in your little patch catching up :o)

  12. I’m Pat, I’m 56 and British and last year I achieved my life’s ambition of moving to Italy. I brought my dog, too, and boy, that was stressful, flying a dog across Europe! But we are settled now.

    Bonnie, I found you via Miss Snark and you cheer me up every day!

  13. Bonnie

    No idea how I stumbled across your blog (or was it visa versa). Anyhow I know why I keep coming back: for the Monday Morning Mojo – the latest sneeze attack is a classic. Plus tales of your family. And I am very flattered to be featured regularly in the Super Sabado – I am surprised you didn’t pick up on the recent line about “Fortunately she had forgotten that I was the man who juggles small, furry animals”

    As for me, no anonymous avatars, I aim for a WYSIWYG cyber personality as one half of M & M Enterprises (aka Mark & Mary) for more than anyone really needs to know about me see:

    I must “chat” to Pat and compare notes as we too plan to downshift to Italy. The Hovel-in-the-Hills ™ features regularly in my blog – three years and almost finished. Other regular topics include: “eating and drinking”, “spend time with your family”, “commuting by bicycle”, “London life in general”.



  14. Hi, Honey! I just added you to my blogroll so I can start reading you! Are you part of the Alphabet Girls?

    To the illicit Jaye, I’m adding you, too, This is turning out to be a great way to find new blogs to read! The only reason Hubby didn’t get a boxer was because he knew how much exercise they require. English bulldogs, in comparison, are those rotund road bumps that boxers like to leap over.

    I remember finding you first, Michelle. I saw the name “Justitia” and thought it sounded interesting. I love your photographs and reading about your adventures in the Australian court system.

    Now, Bernita is a gal I read for the salacious writing tips, as well as the clever drawings she does. She writes every day because if she she doesn’t, we form search parties to hunt her down! And I think Bernita is a beautiful name.

    Pat‘s user name sounds like something my mom would give me if I was extra, extra good. Needless to say, I rarely got any welshcakes limoncello when I was little. It’s nice to meet you, Pat!

    And Pat, I was about to introduce you to Mark and Mary of Gullible’s Travels, but he beat me to it. His first entry that caught my eye was “Jabba the Shed” but he has a very famous comment (at least in my house it’s famous): “if you sprinkle when you tinkle, be a sweetie — wipe the seatie.” Heh!

    Dennie, did you get your gravatar rated already? The moment they rate it, it’ll start showing up. Are you using the e-mail you used to register at If you use any other e-mail, the gravatar won’t show.

  15. Honey is an Alphabet Girl and writes the most amazing RC. When she isn’t nagging me about one thing or making us all laugh. 😀

    She’s a hoot to meet in person, especially when she does the constipated chicken dance. 😉

    Running before she finds me…

  16. Well that is a loaded question. Who am I? *insert maniacal laughter here*.

    I’m a Califonian born, starving artist who used to be an Army artist, now living in North Carolina, trying to get a novel published, whose heart still resides in Kansas type of girl.

    I like visiting you and that other Bonnie chick whom I am going to meet in person at the Greater Philadelphia Christian Writer’s Conference on Thursday of next week! Wahoo!

    I have no idea how I found you…must have been by blog jumping. But I am so glad I have. I come here to smile and laugh. You have a great style of writing. Have you ever been published?

  17. Bonnie, added you to my links too.

    Our boxer has eaten, in no particular order: a pack of cigarettes, a dryer sheet, a pair of underwear, a flip flop, numerous doggie toys, and a remote control. There are others but I think I’ve blocked them from my mind.

  18. What’s RC, Kristen? Romantic—something… Heh! Maybe I should go visit her blog and ask her how constipated chickens dance!

    Mimi, I don’t remember if I found you or you found me. But I’ll always remember your tips on getting As in art school!

    I’ve had a few columns published in our local newspapers, and I had a contract with a Canadian magazine last year, but mostly I tend to write for publications that go out of business as quickly as possible.

  19. Well, I discovered fair Bonnie’s blog via Miss Snark, I think – although we of course first met at the 1996 Nacho Enthusiast conference “Sour Cream On The Side? The Commodification Crisis of the Postmodern Corn Chip” in Tijuana.

    I feel Bonnies’ pain, for I too tend to lurk even in my own blog – PhD and wedding plans taking up all my time (except the bits when I sleep, or stalk David Tennant).

    I drink tea, I can’t speak Spanish but I pretend to anyway, I am occasionally overcome by a fleeting desire to visit Macedonia, I have been known to slap people mid-sentence and I don’t have enough decent bras.

  20. Kristen flatters me too much. 🙂 RC = Romantic Comedy. And it’s just too hard to describe that constipated chicken dance. If you hang out in the right bars late enough at night (which I don’t do often, thanks to being the oldest 27-year-old most people know), you’re bound to see a drunk guy doing the constipated chicken. It’s fate.

    Thanks for the blogroll! You better believe I’ll be coming back around, hopefully not so quiet anymore.

  21. I’m a little late it’s been a couple of days since you posted this! I found your blog because you were so nice as to comment on my Monday Memories post a few weeks ago!
    I’m a blog addict and hardly miss a day that I don’t go blog hopping. I try to post everyday about what’s going on in my house and about my family. I’m the mother of a 23 year old daughter, a 20 year old son, a 14 year old know it all son, and a 7 year old stepson. I am happily married finally. I had to find one younger (7yrs younger) and raise him to my specifications. I was raised in Southern California (Crest) but I now live in a small town in Oklahoma and love I it here.

    I don’t comment too often but I will try harder. I promise!

  22. Hey Bonnie! I commiserate with your mushiness!

    I’m a Cosmetologist/Writer from Texas, married to my highschool sweetheart and pursuing the madness of becoming an “older” mom (I just turned 40.)

    I have two elderly cats, who now have their nose out of joint somewhat because we have a new puppy– A mimi Dachshund named Dodger. I have many puppy tales to tell, but have been too busy to post them yet.

    Love ya Bonnie!

  23. I’ve got too much time on my hands.
    Reading is my second name and I spend a lot of the time doing it on the net.
    I also like to stick my nose in other’s business and leave smart remarks.
    Iwas just wandering along past your blog and tripped over a shadow, had a quick read, liked what I saw, made a smart remark, and now I wander back for a look regularly.


  24. …a few days late and always a dollar short! I am a wife and mom in the hot Central Valley who works full time. I cant remember how I found this blog but I became addicted….to Mojo.

    Thanks for taking the time to spread a little fun (I luv, luv the games you always find, Mini Putt anyone?)

    Have a great week 🙂

  25. PS I never did *actually* answer the first part of the question. I think I will update my blogger profile to say something more pedestrian and factual like: “Fifty-something male IT consultant living and working in London. Married to Mary with one cat, Cleo, and enjoying a dinky lifestyle in one of the greatest cities in the world.”

  26. Sponge Girl, that was the most fun I’ve had at a conference, EVER—and it totally reshaped my thinking about black olives. I toast you with my margarita as I send good vibes on your wedding plans.

    Honey, thanks, I hope to be a regular visitor.

    Kelly, I just saw the picture of your oldest boy… what a cutie!

    April, you go with the mom pursuit. Our neighbor had several miscarriages before she finally had three beautiful kids, and the last one when she was 45 or 46 (I can’t remember exactly).

    I enjoy your blog, 60 and counting. It’s a peek into another world.

    Laurie, I think Mini Putt is my favorite, next to that Ice Breaker one. I like ’em simple and easy. I hope you like the one I just posted.

    Hey, Mark, are you going to be retiring when you move to Italy? Or will you be able to do the IT stuff online?

  27. Hey Bonnie. Thanks for your congrats about my new arrival. I found your site after you commented on mine. Glad I did.

  28. Hey Bonnie!

    I guess you could call me a lurker. For some reason our firewall at work allows me to view your page but not to post to it.

    I found your page quite by accident. Last Haloween they were talking on the radio about the Phantom thing. I googled it and found you. Of course I forwarded several Mojo stories to my husband and he now is a regular here too. You may know him better as Mr. Grouchypants.

    We always enjoy a good bit of Monday morning mojo. We have three dogs ourselves and they are always doing something crazy. And of course now we have another little cutie in our home that we just adore. You have seen her with her favorite stuffed Pound Puppy Mojo.

    Thanks for the smiles on the Monday mornings.

  29. Hi, Jeff, thanks for dropping by. I know your time is tight with your new baby!

    Hi, Lady Grouchypants! (I love that picture of Katie with the feathers!) I do get a lot of hits during Halloween for the Phantom… I think it’s a new thing, in the last 10 years, because I’d never heard of it before.

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