Signs of the Apocalypse

Grown-ups went trick-or-treating tonight.

They brought their babies: sweet, adorable creatures fresh from heaven, none of whom had any concept of candy or the ability to consume it.

A few of the adults held babies; a few more held pillowcases. The baby-carriers showed us their tiny bundles, then their partners stepped forward and held open the pillowcases.

One Reply to “Signs of the Apocalypse”

  1. Y’know, I hate that. Anyone with any sense knows that by the time those babies have enough teeth to eat that damn candy, the parents will have consumed it all. My other Halloween pet peeve is kid’s holding out an extra bag for their sibling at home. You are guilt tripped into dumping candy into Ill-brother-at-home’s bag. I always wonder how many kids ACTUALLY have a sick sibling at home.

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