Monday Morning Mojo No. 13

Chewed-up Christmas ornaments

WHAT: Assorted Christmas Ornaments

HOW: He bypassed a Bulldog Barricade consisting of one sofa, one loveseat, one chair and one foosball table. Then he plucked his hapless victims from the tree. One. By. One.

We actually rescued several ornaments before they were inducted into the Cemetery of Chewed-Up Christmas Decor. We assume we didn’t catch them all; some are no doubt travelling through his intestinal tract even now, lost forever to us—well, maybe not forever, but you know what I mean.

REPLACEMENT COST: None. But I did snap this picture of the culprit returning to the scene of the crime. Note the guilty face.

Picture of the Christmas ornament chewer

11 Replies to “Monday Morning Mojo No. 13”

  1. Okay, if you aren’t going to get a parrot instead of the Mojo, get a partridge in a pear tree and have done with it. Sorry but Mojo wouldn’t last in our house. We’re too poor.

  2. Okay, I cannot find your ‘Weird Tag’ from Dennie. Which post of hers did you write/comment it on?

  3. Mimi, that’s odd. I DID post it at Dennie’s this morning. I SWEAR!

    I just tested her comments. Hmmm. Must be user error. Boy, do I dislike Blogger! It always does stuff like this to me! And I was so clever, too!

  4. Mojo needs to meet Two-Toes. Together they could chomp and destroy with happy/uh-oh faces.

    Here’s to hoping Christmas was grand to you and yours.

    Christmas ornaments lost this year: 1.
    Holiday buns: 1 dozen.

  5. Omg, he’s so adorable! There’s always room for “Mojo” downunder if you’d like to give him a special holiday!

  6. Oh, my. You really must post a disclaimer or “hide behind a cut” when posting that kind of carnage. I’m working on my breakfast and POW!, fluff and guts everywhere on the screen.

    I’m just horrified and scarred for life.


  7. What a cute face! But such a naughty dog… Sorry about the ornaments Bernita. I hope you had a good Christmas and a better New Year! (and hopefully fewer bulldog related casualties!)

  8. Ah, man! I was so hoping to see how weird you can be too! Dang! You need to post it here I guess!

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