This randomness brought to you by a huge pile of dirty laundry

What if you came to work and found your company had decided to save costs by building your cubicle with cheaper materials than usual?

Man looking out through a cardboard window

(Via Digg.)

What if that Star Trek Voyager episode where all the crew de-evolved turned out to be an example of something that could really happen?

Scene from Star Trek: Next Generation, 'Genesis'

And finally, what if espresso and chocolate didn’t just raise your cortisol levels and make you fat? What if it made somebody fall in love with you?

Scene from Baci commercial

Direct link for the feed readers.

6 Replies to “This randomness brought to you by a huge pile of dirty laundry”

  1. I love office pranks. I once re-alphabetized a coworker’s parts catalogs. He couldn’t work until they were back in order. Moral of the story: if you know their weakness, you can really get ’em good. πŸ™‚

    -Honey the Innocent

  2. “What if espresso and chocolate made somebody fall in love with you?”

    Oh, I can feel the love already! πŸ˜‰

  3. Talk about falling in love, the story about Clara and Mojo is really too cute! Found your blog through Laurel W’s… Oh, and “make it so, number 1” – that’s too cool.

  4. That was a great prank, Kelly! But it makes me wonder how much time those guys have on their hands.

    Oooh, Honey! How long did that take you?

    Bernita and Bayou… yeah! I should be a romantic beacon myself, what with all the chocolate and caffeine I down.

    Hey there, on the Rock, thanks for dropping by!

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