Super Sabado: We’re experiencing technical difficulties

Oh, I am so wicked.

I’m crouched in someone else’s back yard, piggybacking onto yet another someone’s wireless internet connection. If you hear sirens any time soon, it will because one of those someones eyeballs me and calls the cops.

Well, you’ll never catch me, Copper, because I’m gonna send this and run! Although whether it makes it through the blogosphere is anybody’s guess.

In fact, the web is kind of staticky right now. I can barely see the margaritas, much less see you guys well enough to pass them around.

If you can read this, somehow it made it through. Hopefully it will be worth your time. Unfortunately, one poor internet connection + one cold and windy back yard = one weak and piddly Super Sábado. The signal isn’t even strong enough to browse through YouTube.

So I’m wicked, yes, and chilled to the bone. Wah! Why isn’t the entire world wired for internet access?

It didn’t matter who was behind the door; The reactions were pretty much the same. “Here’s a Bit O’Honey for you little man, and here’s one for your little sister.”

JR of JR’s Thumbprints and Other Such Vagaries, reliving some painful (heh!) memories (snort!) that have probably (wah ha ha HA!) scarred the poor guy for life (hee, hee, hee!)


When he took his new wife in his arms for the wedding waltz, we were struck by deja vu, of a scene repeated over centuries: a gallant boy in scarlet regimentals, a lovely girl in an ivory gown.

Bernita Harris of An Innocent A-Blog, (sniff!) the proud mother of the groom, and oh! What a lovely scene she describes. Congratulations, Bernita!

The main thing for me is, I am pathologically scared of cold water and this event involves white water rafting in Aberfeldy in October. Scots will get it – other please check it out – this could be BLOODY COLD. Check this from ‘weather highlights 2002 to 2005″

Forward, positively… , who is about to brave the cold depths of hypothermia for a very good cause… unlike those of us who brave the cold depths of a stranger’s back yard for a weak and piddly Super Sabado.

Here’s what i’ve been doing. It is going to be a king size afghan for my bed. Just a bunch of random colors. That way no matter what color I decide to paint the room it will probably match it.

Secret Squirrel, padding her nest—and very cleverly, too, we might add.

I was about to crawl through when my friend, who was behind me, suddenly decided she had forgotten something, or there was something she had to have, and backed out.

Lesia of Biography of a Southern Writer, who sat in a crawl space until some dog ratted her out. (And you thought your dreams were wild.)

Hope everyone enjoys their extra day off tomorrow. I think I’ll sleep in…oh wait, I do that already. Whahahaha

Wander of Wander’s World, and we don’t know why, but this Columbus Day musing really cracks us up.

At this point, I was totally awake. Obviously it must be a life and death situation if my cats are making bird noises. They’re species confused. Pretty soon they’ll be hunting worms in the couches and making nests out of toilet paper.

Honey of Meet My Muse, reporting on her fur children’s strange behavior. Don’t worry, Honey, all kids go through an experimental phase.


Calvin: “Papa, there’s your mom!”

Joep: “Huh? Where?”

Calvin: “HA HA, I made ya look!”


Calvin: “Mama, there’s a spider on your shirt.”

Me: *Incoherent screaming and flailing* “WHAT?!?!?!?! WHERE?!?!?!”

Calvin: “HA HA, I made ya look!”

Kathleen, proud mother to the Calvinator, but a little peeved nonetheless ABOUT THAT DANG SPIDER BUSINESS.

The Jena Muir skirt arrived at my door yesterday in all its glory and man now I know why one pays for the real thing —- this skirt is at least 25 years old, looks as though it came off the Paris runway last week, weighs about 10 pounds in all of its black silk glory and looks and feels like a million bucks on.

Kathryn of Finn’s Space, on the genuine piece of haute couture that is a SIZE 6 and fits her, too. Kathryn, we’d gladly trade the haute couture just to BE a size 6.

As she told it, she was frying gorditas one dark and stormy night–a flash of lightning– and *shazaam!* there on her gordita, in the brown patterns, was a reproduction of the face of Christ. A miracle!

Andrew was permitted to see the Holy Tortilla, nicely preserved behind a holy plexiglass container and surrounded by the candles of numerous pilgrims who’d come to pay respects to the local miracle.

Scribbit, on the difficulties of getting good-quality tortillas in Alaska.

Yes, it’s true that I almost met my maker on the plastic bumper of that big black SUV, but that was a fluke. More and more I find myself reacting much slower to these urgently uttered warnings, and this worries me.

Teri Gray Franta of Here’s to Happy Women, on her near-death experience and the loving husband who almost caused it.

I stuck my bib in, and asked, why don’t you smack them?

Holy Jeebers!! You would have thought I was going to burn the kids alive, the way they went off.

tl of Life Got Away, learning the hard way about giving unsolicited parenting advice, just before he almost got strong up by some indignant moms.

97. I wear shorts and tank tops around the house all year. Even when it’s snowing outside.
98. I do not like to wear shoes.

Undone Lady, with Nos 97 and 98 of her 100 things and who, we might add, lives somewhere in Ohio, where it definitely snows outside.

And for those of you who made it through the very end, post a link to a good video for me, will ya?


11 Replies to “Super Sabado: We’re experiencing technical difficulties”

  1. I can relate only we’re lucky enough to have two connections in the house so I don’t have to creep into the neighbor’s backyard, his signal comes to me. Very convenient when one is out. Gotta love technology.

    Oh, I DID NOT love the maze you posted a couple days ago 🙂 It was seriously disturbing–though I gave it to my husband to at least get the fun of watching him jump like I had.

  2. You’re such an outlaw, Bonnie!

    I have no idea why you’re “piggybacking” but I’m terribly impressed that you dare and that you know how.

    Thanks for braving the elements to bring us all another Super Sabado.

  3. Wow. The things you do to keep us entertained. Thanks, Bonnie. Margs are my preferred poison, too. Come on over and I’ll make up a fresh pitcher.

  4. Hehe…good video…you really want me to send you a link…you’ve obviously recovered from the Maze…Mhwahaha….now I’m tormenting the teens at my church with it…Bwhahahaha!

  5. At least you didn’t get your WordPress database yanked out from under you!

    On the upside, though, I can pick up 4 wireless connections (including my own) on the good days in the backyard.

  6. May I add that I do not live in a trailer down by the river in my tank top, shorts and no shoes…I just have a husband who insists we pay for heat, which I have more than enough of naturally.

  7. Naughty, naughy, Michelle. Heh! Did he jump very high?

    Dink, I had to piggyback because the house we were staying in didn’t have wireless access. Or if it did have wireless access, we didn’t know how to contact the owner and ask how to access it. (The owner is a friend of my sister-in-law.)

    It’s fuzz, Ms. Karen. Or at least, I HOPE it’s fuzz.

    Aw, Jaye! I always feel bad when I leave people out.

    Bernita, I’m sniffling along with you. Our kids grow up so fast!

    Lesia, we always have margaritas at Super Sabado. My neighbor introduced me to them. I like them blended, with salt.

    Bonnie! You forgot to post the link to the video! Dang… how is this going to work if you guys don’t take up the slack for me?

    Steve, my neighbor across the street has unsecured wireless—a really strong signal, too.

    Wow, Jamie! Are they unsecured connections?

    Dear Undone Lady, I am right there with you. My man is always cold, and I am always too warm (unless I’m sitting in a cold and windy back yard).

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