Super Sabado… er… Domingo

I accidentally published my “Shaklee vs. Bonnie Round 1” on Saturday, when I wasn’t sure about publishing it at all. (Lesson learned: don’t keep unpublished posts in your Dashboard whilst deciding whether or not to use them.) Now it’s out there and rudely pushing aside my Super Sabado!

So we’ll have a Super Domingo instead, with a slightly different theme and menu. The theme: Geekiness. I do so want to be a geek, although I think real geeks don’t accidentally publish posts.

So what do geeks eat?

A quick trip to a geek’s cooking blog, Cooking with Miklb and I find Fettucini Alfredo with Creole Shrimp. A green salad and some good wine… and we’re all set. Mark? You get to bring the wine.

Picture of the Spam Huntress!
When I grow up I want to be just like Spam Huntress. Maybe I could grow her kind of cleavage, too.

I’ll start Super Domingo with two butt-kicking, “You ain’t puttin’ nothin’ over on me, Baby” words: Spam Huntress!

Lord, is she TOUGH! When she casts her hawklike eye over suspect IPs, cockroach spammers tremble and quiver in their little hidey holes. Then Spam Huntress hunts those lowlifes down; they can run all they want, but she roots them out of every proxy. She kicks their butts so hard their spamming grandmothers feel it.

The Huntress is so effective some spammers put her on a “Whatever you do, don’t spam this gal” list—hell, she IS the list.

I don’t always understand what she’s talking about, but whenever I visit her blog, I’m all, “You GO, Spam Huntress! Kick some spammer butt for me!”

Craig Hartel (AKA Nuclear Moose) might be turning into an Apple fan, thanks to his 60 GB iPod. Heh!

MacManX told us about his Delicious Library last week and I swore I’d try it. Instead, I organized the garage. (Hey! It really needed it.) Then I learned some guy ripped off the Delicious Library format to make a Windows version. Naughty!

A bit of an ethics debate sprang up at Binary Bonsai, and LegoBuff mentioned his attempts to design a Windows application like Delicious Library for his personal use, without actually copying Delicious Library. The world needs more sincere geeks like Jamie who code just for the love of it.

Bits and Pieces:

Lorelle over at Taking Your Camera on the Road discovered something NPR fans will appreciate.

Georganna at Writer’s Edge has a “Ban the Blues” Contest: Write 1,000 words or less fiction or nonfiction (no poetry) about “blue” and submit your entry by 11:59 P.M. PST, January 31, 2006. Entry fee: $5.

Gary Shewan gave us his list of Bloggie nominations; a desktop blogging client called Ecto is at the top of the list. I’ve heard about Ecto before, but put off trying it, mainly because I have a very bad habit of impulse purchases, especially for software that I ultimately don’t use. Still, it’s only $17.95. (Must… resist… put the credit card down…)

Check out Rambling in the Desert’s Lost episode recap. Much better than the actual show.

Everybody say a little prayer for Mimi, who’s got pneumonia, and for Kitty, who came down sick, too, after visiting her ill mother.

Good news for A.E. Rought: she’s selling titles right and left! This book-buying fever seems to be going around, because Dennie McDonald sold two books, too! Congratulations to both of you.

And congrats to the Lady Justitia, for her two year blogging anniversary!

Meanwhile the Desperate Writer is disgusted in a major way over the James Frey flap.

Bonnie Writes discovered the excitement of Blogshares, while Sponge Girl has a deeper purpose in mind: she wants us all to Feed Nicole Ritchie.

And Kait, Kait, Kait, my sister in Chaos… her desk looks tidy now, whereas my… GARAGE… looks tidy now. Still can’t get a car in it, but that’s only because we’re still installing flooring and baseboards. (NOTE FROM MS. REALITY CHECK: Bonnie and Hubby have been “installing flooring and baseboards” since Fall 2004.)

And for those of you who made it through the end:

Here’s a dog playing Ash in a doggy remake of Evil Dead 2: specifically, the scene where Ash’s paw—I mean, hand—gets possessed (via).

4 Replies to “Super Sabado… er… Domingo

  1. Thanks for mentioning the contest. I hope you’ll enter–I’m sure it would be hilarious, no matter how you would interpret “blue”!

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