8 Replies to “Monday Morning Mojo No. 42”

  1. LOL…omg that’s just like Queen B but she’s not so calm when it comes to cookies. No, she cannot behave in the face of FOOD!

    Mojo is so darn cute. Love his expressive face.

    Thanks for making my hotter than a skillet Monday enjoyable.


  2. Does Queen B have a lake under her jowls when she sees food? Ask Dawg how wet his legs can get when she’s begging for his food. Or the floor. Or the bed.
    She didn’t learn stay/wait like Two-toes did. I’m slowly retraining her and might consider attempting a CGC for her. Condsidering other dogs make her neverous.

    I adore Mojo and that face. He’s so darn cute.

  3. Dogs sure teach us the joy in life. What could be more fun than drooling over the sidewalk as you hunt down liver treats.

    Wonder what they’d say if I did that at work.

  4. I don’t know, Kristen. I think Mojo produces quarts of the stuff!

    Naughty Michelle! You are too funny.

    I think you’ll make a good dog mom, Mel.

    Mojo says thanks, Bonnie.

    I’ll never drool for liver treats, Elizabeth, but I have been known to drool all over the sidewalk for Baskin Robbins and/or Häagen-Dazs.

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