Monday Morning Mojo No. 39

Mojo with his tongue hanging out

Hullo all, this is Mojo, filling in for that big gal over there—the one who’s out cold on my couch.

She’s been unconscious like that for about an hour, sawing logs and grinding her teeth. Every now and then she snorts and mumbles stuff, like “I didn’t order enough eggs!” or “nobody showed up for the lunch shift!”

Mojo again, still panting

The heat’s been giving me nightmares, too. Last night I dreamed that nobody remembered to feed me, and then I got chased by a giant chicken wing that kept telling me to get off the couch.

Next thing I know, they’re shaking me and telling me to go sleep downstairs… but I wouldn’t budge. I mean, it was in the middle of the night! Who knows how many giant chicken wings were hiding in the dark down there?

The worst part about all this heat is what it does to my motivation. Lately, all I’ve been doing is spending my days snoozing on the couch—or at least, snoozing on the couch until she comes along and pushes me off. She smells okay and all, but dang, is she selfish.

So it’s hard enough finding cool places to snooze in, much less find cool stuff to chew up. Maybe next week, okay?

Mojo lying down

7 Replies to “Monday Morning Mojo No. 39”

  1. Good Mojo, taking care of Bonnie and blognapping her blog.

    Take care, Bonnie, and get well soon. I’ll kick the chaos god for giving you that cold. Soon as I find him.

  2. Mojo,

    Perchance have you been running full-tilt and face first into a sliding glass door?

    You look kind of like a badger eating a concertina.

    Just sayin’, Doggie Dude. Just saying.

  3. Awwwwww, Mojo, forget life there with the Wren’s, come live with me down under! Just think, life as a cabana boy, your own beach to run along, sand to roll in,palm tree to pee on!

  4. Thanks, Bernita. It’s nothing bad, just a great excuse to take lots of naps.

    Yay, Kristen, watching my back!

    Dwight, you booger!

    Michelle, if Mojo gets to live at the beach with you guys, so do I!

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