Monday Morning Mojo No. 31

As you may remember from last week, I was reporting on how Hubby’s bulldog had made it through a WHOLE WEEK without chewing anything up—which really left me in a Monday Morning Mojo bind, as you can well imagine.

So while I typed up a nice little recap of Our Day At Dog Beach instead, Mojo realized something was amiss in his universe and set out to make it right. He didn’t have far to search for something to sink his teeth into.

Chewed-up Silly Putty

WHAT: One container of Silly Putty

HOW: A neighbor kid came over to play video games with Squirt and Tiger. At one point, Andy pulled his Silly Putty out of his pocket and placed it on the floor.

Hubby and I were working on our respective computers when the bulldog raced through the family room and into the backyard, his illicit loot tucked beside his molars. Presumably he couldn’t figure out how to pick up newsprint with the stuff, so he started to chow down on it instead.

MOJO: (from the back yard) Crunch! Crunch! Crunch!

BONNIE: What has that dog gotten into? (shouting to boys on video game) THE DOG GOT INTO SOMETHING!

TIGER & SQUIRT: Nothing of ours!

HUBBY: I gave him a water bottle earlier. He likes those. It’s probably the water bottle.


(they go back to working on their computers)

MOJO: Bwa ha! Crunch! Crunch! Crunch!

(one minute goes by)

TIGER: Hey, Mom, Andy’s Silly Putty is gone!

BONNIE: (unprintable)

HUBBY: Oh, no! Silly Putty isn’t poisonous, is it?

REPLACEMENT COST: None, because even though the egg case was cracked and half of the putty eaten, Andy said the toothmarks and drool in the remaining sludge of Silly Putty was no big deal.

12 Replies to “Monday Morning Mojo No. 31”


    Toothmarks and drool no big deal…lolol…

    Thanks for the laugh. πŸ˜€

  2. Not gross… much. LOL.

    Gross is Queen B drooling on your leg when trying to eat chips (on the couch–bad Dawg). A river of drool and sad eyes.

    Two-toes just trills then attempts to steal the just opened water bottle. At least he doesn’t offer it back after he’s finished with it. πŸ˜‰

  3. Bad Dawg! Bad Dawg! Do not eat chips on the couch!

    Michelle, I don’t know about all boys, but these boys can be really GRODY. Now there’s some vocab I haven’t used since the 80s.

    The sad thing, Bonnie, is that his stomach is very delicate. He eats one little thing off his diet and the resulting gas output could easily fill up the tanks at Terminex. Our windows are always OPEN.

  4. isn’t silly putty what they ended up w/ when they were trying to make… what was it… oh yeah… to replace rubber in WWII so it’s only natural that he’d go after it as it is inherent for dogs to chase cars – right???

  5. LOL… that is pretty nasty, but funny that Andy was so blase about it.

    I am thankful that Sumi (now) sees fit to tear into things that belong to her, and not Bayou’s cell phone, my pc speakers, or cat toys.

  6. Uh, I thought silly putty was sort of light gray. Never seen black silly putty. Is this due to a complex chemical reaction between Mojo drool and silly putty?

  7. Pat, Silly Putty comes in different colors now. This one was kind of chocolate colored. See here for bulk colors.

    Lachlan, I’ve noticed his chew quotient goes up if we leave him alone for too long. I try to take him with me carpooling, but not all the kids like dogs (or drool) so I have to be careful about it.

    Dennie, here’s a link to the Silly Putty timeline. And here’s the face that was born to invent Silly Putty. Heh!

    Picture of James Wright

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