Monday Morning Mojo No. 20

After the two weeks of Toilet Paper Hell, Mojo seemed to settle down.

We thought, “Hey! Maybe Mojo’s starting to grow up! Maybe he’s maturing, and soon we’ll be talking about other things on Monday Morning Mojo, like about how stinky he is, rather than what he’s chewed up.”

We were wrong.

Picture of chewed up upholstery foam

WHAT: Upholstery Foam

HOW: I am reupholstering our dining room set chairs. I bought extra thick foam for the seats and this lighter, less dense foam for the backs. Since I’m working on the seats first, I folded the lighter foam up and put it in my closet.

I guess we all know the end to this story.

BONNIE’S REACTION: Oh, no, you little….

HUBBY’S REACTION: Hold on there! Did you leave this on the floor?

BONNIE’S REACTION: Er, yes, but it was folded up and… big… and he’s never really gone after something big before. I thought he only liked little things!

HUBBY: Well, sure, he liked little things when he was LITTLE. But now he’s BIG. And there you go. Oh, no! You don’t think that stuff will plug him up, do you?

REPLACEMENT COST: $26.53, plus the gas to drive to the upholstery fabric store to replace it.

8 Replies to “Monday Morning Mojo No. 20”

  1. Does Mojo have a rule book that he’s taking his cues from?

    Rule #3. Must not allow favoured human to do projects that don’t directly involve my help.

    Two-toes just chews hoses and decorative yard lights.

    Love Mojo Mondays!

  2. You should put a bigger space between the photo and “what it is.”

    I like trying to figure out what it was before Mojo worked his dental magic.

  3. oh bonnie you are brave! auggie would NEVER be allowed out and around the house without direct supervision because he is a total menace and would destroy everything in his path. he is only allowed in the kitchen unsupervised and everything even remotely edible is sprayed with bitter apple. poor guy has no chance.

    i’m dying to know…how old is Mojo? is this what i have in store for the duration? eek gads. the chewing thing is a bit much. i had a german shepard who never ate anything…you could leave a shoe right under his nose and he wouldn’t touch it. auggie will dig into it no holds barred. stinker!

  4. Don’t forget to add in the cost of the Ex-Lax if you don’t see evidence of it in twenty-four hours!! That could be a problem, monitor him!

  5. Hi, guys!

    Susan, Mojo is almost 14-months-old. I didn’t let him loose when he was Auggie’s age, either, because he tried to eat everything: landscaping bark, rocks, plants, etc. Now he’s more picky about what he’ll chew up.

    Our standard poodle was never this chewy. We’d catch him with, say, a sock, and we’d say “no,” and he’d say, “got it.” And he’d never pick up another sock. Bulldogs are another breed entirely.

  6. Ref: Mojo Monday #9.
    Mary Lou said put your Bill O’Reilly book on the coffee table!
    Mojo will not touch, because its tainted by the Republican Spin.:))
    Much love cuz, Rupert

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