Monday Morning Mojo No. 15

Did you hear that? It sounded like screaming.

Yep. Definitely screaming.

Oh, wait. That was me.

Picture of my chewed up Asimov's magazine

WHAT: The December Asimov’s

Normally my Asimov’s magazines are all stacked quite nicely in proper, chronological order in my science fiction bookcase. That way I can find the issue I want when I want it. The rest of the house may look like a cyclone hit it, but BY GOD MY ASIMOV’S ARE ALWAYS NEAT AND TIDY.

I thought December was a good issue, but I guess Sheila Williams didn’t edit it well enough for Mojo because he did a little editing himself: he took out the last three sentences ON EVERY. SINGLE. PAGE.

HOW: Okay, so I left it on the couch. So what! Lots of people leave their reading material on the couch! It was a momentary lapse! Can’t I leave anything on the couch anymore? For crying out loud!


REPLACEMENT COST: None, as my Asimov’s are irreplaceable. Dammit.

7 Replies to “Monday Morning Mojo No. 15”

  1. OH NO MOJO!

    I had a similar problem (don’t know if I mentioned it before) when the 4yo was teething – he went through a lot of bookmarks and a couple of books. (one autographed). Now he just rips them – saves time

  2. Mojo, I just discovered your “Monday Morning” escapades,,,, WOW! Excellent reading! I wish I’d been so inventive when I was teething!
    You are an inspiration to me. Can hardly wait to see what you come up with THIS week.

  3. Mojo wants you to use your creative abilities and fill in the missing bits of story. He believes that all this brain activity will prevent Alzheimers (sp?). Good dog, Mojo.

  4. Mr. Waldo Rupert, Boston Terrier Extraordinaire! Mojo said to tell you he developed his taste for toilet paper rolls while visiting his cousin, except that his cousin likes them empty and he likes them full of toilet paper.

    Dennie, I remember when my boys used to rip pages. Heh!

    I don’t think I have enough brain cells yet to get Alzheimer’s, Pat. Materntiy and parenthood have siphoned most of them off.

  5. Bonnie C., they are irreplaceable because they are so good, and I thought the only way I could get another copy would be on eBay. And it made me realize I hadn’t received my latest issue of Asimov’s, either!

    So I wrote to Asimov’s to tell them 1) my dog ate my December issue and could I buy another one, and 2) I was sure I’d renewed the magazine but I hadn’t received my latest issue.

    Look at the super-duper customer service response I received:

    Dear Ms. Wren:

    Thank you for your recent email.

    Our records indicate that your renewal payment was received in August 2005. There should be no interruption in service.

    Your February 2006 issue may have been lost or destroyed in the mailing process. I have sent a replacement copy for you as well as a 2nd copy of the December 2005 issue. These should arrive within the next 4-6 weeks.

    We apologize for any inconvenience and look forward to serving you in the future.

    Sandy Marlowe
    Customer Service

    Let me tell you, Asimov’s is one damn fine magazine. Now that I know their customer service ROCKS I love them all the more.

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