Monday Morning Mojo No. 14

Picture of one chewed-up Gaiam yoga block

WHAT: One Gaiam Yoga Block

Perhaps one of Mojo’s New Year’s resolutions is to get in shape by chewing on fitness equipment. Perhaps while in pursuit of said resolution he found dumbbells too tough and opted instead to improve his flexibility with a yoga block. Or perhaps he is JUST MESSING WITH ME.

BONNIE’S REACTION: Look what your dog did to my yoga block!

HUBBY’S REACTION: Heh! He’s trying to tell you what I’ve been trying to tell you, babe: that you won’t get big guns like this… (flexes his right bicep) …or this… (flexes his left bicep) …by doin’ yoga.

[Hubby’s subsequent lecture on how yoga—while excellent for core and flexibility work, doesn’t actually build any muscles in comparison to heavy weights, which build muscles suitable for framing, yadda, yadda—has been removed for brevity’s sake.]

REPLACEMENT COST: No need to replace it. After all, it’s still shaped like a block. It’s just kind of annoying to have all those holes in it.

6 Replies to “Monday Morning Mojo No. 14”

  1. Sorry, no words of wisdome this morning Grasshopper – Oh wait – you could always bench press the dog to get your guns =)

  2. Ohhhh, there he is!!!ROFLOL I thought maybe you wrapped him as a Christmas present and pawned him off on an unsuspecting relative, like Aunt Bethany did with her cat, in Chevy Chases’ Christmas Vacation!!! Love that dog….As long as he lives with YOU and not me!

  3. ValMarie, I’d be very happy with some little guns, that’s for sure.

    Hi, Dennie and Michelle! Bonnie C., where were you and your fantastic gift suggestions when I was looking for a present for one unsuspecting relative?

  4. On the upside, thanks to all that chewing, Mojo should have nice, clean healthy choppers.

    My old dogs don’t gnaw on anything and have terrible teeth. What you lose to replacement costs, you’ll save in doggie dental care.

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