Monday Morning Mojo: A Christmas Lesson

I’m experimenting with a new format for the Monday Morning Mojo: a comic book!

I made it with a great little piece of Mac software called Comic Life, and dang, is it ever fun to play with.

Click on the picture of the comic and a new window should appear. If it doesn’t, try this link. I don’t know yet what this will do in an RSS feed.

In fact, if anybody has any problems, please let me know. I’ve never used a javascript command in a WordPress post before and am not sure how it works, but it IS working on my end.

UPDATED TO ADD: This is a 2-page comic. There’s a little “Next” button at the bottom of the page, in case you guys don’t notice!


34 Replies to “Monday Morning Mojo: A Christmas Lesson”

  1. Bonnie

    Always enjoy my Monday Morning Mojo fix. Very good though I did have to use the link. Mind you it could be because <voice=”whisper”>I am reading at work</voice> and the javascript security is turned up high i.e. not much is allowed to work. Also can you do portrait format, on my lil ‘ole screen that would work better.

    Tea break’s over, back on my head.

  2. Had to click on the link too, but it could well be just me and mine.
    I LOVE Mojo.
    Mojo is Superdog. He is King!
    He has…um…taste?
    Brilliant, Bonnie!

  3. Steve, you are always so encouraging! I don’t know about the newspapers, though, especially now that Comic Life is on the market—I predict it’ll be flooded with some super comics!

    Hi, Mark… I think you’re right: if Javascript is disabled in a browser, the thumbnail won’t work. But doen’t the comic appear in portrait format already? Do you mean landscape format?

    Same to you, Bernita… I wonder if you have javascript disabled in your browser—some people do. In my last 100 visitors, five did not have javascript enabled.

  4. I had to click on the link too. It came up with a security window when I clicked on the thumbnail. How do you enable javascript?! Awesome cartoon! I really expected that giant snow globe to be a goner though!

  5. I’m a happy fellow Mac-ite. I clicked the box and it worked. You did a great job!

    I also have the software. It didn’t look fun to me, it looked overwhelming. But now that I am working on my Marvin the Dustbunny series, it might come in handy!

    Let’s see…Finder…Applications…Ah, there it is! Thanks for the idea, Bonnie!

  6. Wicked Mojo fix.

    Empty socks (or with toes) sound like the deadly duos (kittens) favourite item. Have they been calling Mojo for tips? 😉

    Love the new format.

    The day is brighter with a Mojo fix.

  7. Laurel Wreath, I thought he’d be terrified of the Snow Man, but he was just fine.

    Squirrel, it depends on your internet browser. If you use Explorer 6.0, then read this. But if you can read the alternate link I provided, I wouldn’t worry about it, because sometimes javascript has been disabled in a browser for security reasons.

    Thanks, tl. I think you would love this software… your stories and photos would be perfect with it. You can leave the photos as is, or colorize them as I did. This comic was done with a filter called “Painted 3.”

    Groovy, it’s actually pretty easy to use. If you get stuck on something, the answer is usually in the help file. I’m using the demo version, if you can believe it! As Data might say, the demo version is fully functional.

    Kristen, I’m missing your wolf gravatar. Right now the company is having some server troubles. We may not be seing our avatars for a while.

    Liz, it was so nice to finally meet you! Did you stay very long? Hubby and I pooped out early!

  8. Bonnie, that’s fantastic! Seriously, laugh-out-loud good times. 🙂 Mojo’s just as cute as a cartoon. LOL

  9. Worked for me and was soooo much fun. Wishing mojo a Christmas filled with coal and empty stockings.


    I love it. Serialize the MMM!

  11. Lumps of coal and empty socks sound like a great toddler gift, too. 🙂 A Christmas wish for Mojo: may he remain filthy and smelly until January.

  12. We stayed until about 11:30 and then our ride came and we hit the road and *I* hit the sack. No-more-wine-EVAR!!

    It was great to meet you too. You and Da Hubby are just adorable together!

  13. I remember the year I got half a ton of coal for Christmas. No, I wasn’t really bad, quite the opposite. I was a poor single mother with a coal-burning stove as my only source of heat.

    During that cold winter, we were hosting a puppy for a friend. That puppy ate more socks, and gnawed on more toes than should have been possible.

    I’m thinking that snowglobe will end up as a snow glob if Mojo has his way.

  14. I think you’ve got something with the comic strip idea.

    To which your previewer asks:

    Do you really think she’s got something with the comic strip?

    Me: Yes, yes! I really think she’s got something. Can I ask you something?

    Previewer: What?

    Me: Why do you question everything I type.

    Previewer: It’s my job.

    Me: Oh.

  15. Please don’t ever take the Previewer away Bonnie. I’ve grown too attached to the comedy stylings of Tarquini and Previewer.

  16. I had to click the link too! That is great…I love Mojo..and so soes Miss Snark’s KY…she wrote about you on her blog today!

    Great job…keep it up!

  17. Bonnie, all the films and the comic are just priceless. And… even if Mojo can’t balance things on his cute little pug nose, he’s still my favorite bulldog!!

  18. bonnie you never cease to amaze me! this is so much fun. i love the new format. and i’m so proud of Mojo for not doing in the snowglobe!

    if you need any contributing columnists…our new bullie puppies tore two sections of wallpaper off of our den wall. and then i caught one on the coffee table pulling flowers out of a vase. ain’t bullies grand?

  19. Woot! Miss Snark!

    I love Miss Snark. I don’t think I’ll ever write a query, but I’ve always loved reading her blog.

    April, thank you for those nice comments over at Miss Snark’s!

    Groovy, somehow, I can store avatars locally on my site; but I’ve got to figure out how to do it. Probably the hardest part about it will be you guys having to upload your gravatars here. It might be easier if all us Gravatar users donate a buck to the poor guy who runs

    Thank you, Krista. I thought I’d added you already to my sidebar, but I just now saw I hadn’t—so I fixed it! Next time, MONKEY COOKIE PICTURES.

    Suzanne, you’re absolutely right. Toddlers would LOVE coal, but we don’t always give them what they want, do we? Which is why Mojo will be very clean and sweet all through the holidays, even if I have to bathe him daily!

    Thank you, Liz! I think my favorite menu item of the evening was THE CHOCOLATE.

    Ms. Karen, a half a ton of coal in a coal-burning house is a great Christmas present! I kept typing “snow glob”… it must be a Freudian thing.

    Yeah, M.G., now you’ve gone and done it. I was all set to turn off the previewer, but why should I, when you make it so much fun to read about?

    Dink agrees with me, M.G.!

    Bonnie C., I think I first met you over at Miss Snark’s. Time goes by so fast.

    Thank you, Judy, Mojo appreciates that, even if he’d chew up your socks—if he could get them.

  20. How did I miss your comment, Susan?

    Heh! I think of you now as the mother of triplets! Living in the house of bulldog chaos!

    But a bullie on top of the coffee table? Yikes!

  21. I had to use the link but it’s fantastic! Still laughing, as ever when I read Mojo. Simi sends him her love. She is excited, too, as “Santa Paws” is coming soon!

  22. Yeah, M.G., now you’ve gone and done it. I was all set to turn off the previewer, but why should I, when you make it so much fun to read about?

    Previewer (rubbing asterisk keys together): Heh, my nefarious plan for word domination is right on schedule. Today, Bonnie Wren’s comment trail. Tomorrow, M.G.’s blog.

    M.G.: Maybe the day after. I got a lot of stuff to do this week.

    Previewer: Are you sure you want to say that?

    M.G. (points up): You’re the one saying it.

    Previewer (glances up): oh.

  23. Previewer: Whoops. I mean glances DOWN.

    M.G.: No you didn’t you meant glances UP. You looked up because I pointed up. If I’d told you to jump off a cliff, you’d have jumped off a cliff. You’re a robot, incapable of independent thought.

    *sound of fizzy water being sprayed at the monitor*

    Take THAT you pixelated creation!

  24. Welshcakes, give little Simone a hug from me! (Mojo just wants to tell her about “Santa Paws” and the cool stuff you get even when you’re bad!)

    Mindy! Previewer! Both of you settle down. Right now. Don’t make me come back there…

  25. Now that’s a threat our dogs might take seriously. “Oh no! not a bath! I like being stinky with yellowed coats! And mangey looking!” Sadly it also punishes us because bathing two borzoi means the drain in our shower ends up plugged.

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