I’ve been Dooceled

Doo⋅cel |?d(y)o?⋅s?l| verb ( -celed , -celing ; Brit. -celled, -celling) [ trans. ] 1 causing one’s hits to temporarily go through the roof due to a link from Heather B. Armstrong’s site, www.dooce.com | Who needs Slashdotting when Heather can Doocel you?

— ORIGIN Bonnie Wren, and thank goodness she invented the term, too, as it is a tenuous tie to the Lady Dooce that may delay her blog from being lost forever, like a chunk of cement in the deep blue sea.

12 Replies to “I’ve been Dooceled”

  1. Congratulations on the, um, Doocification! (That’s how I got here in the first place, now I’m in love with your dog… in a good way… really…)

  2. bonnie!! that is so cool…will you add the link so we can read it? please? please? i went to her site but got a little lost.


  3. Susan, when you go to her site, the link is in the left sidebar, below the Flickr box. Check out the other bulldog link too… there’s a very touching story.

    But yikes! I just realized… Heather will move it soon, and then nobody will ever believe me that it was there! So here’s evidence:

    screenshot of link

    A lot less painful than my finger, tl!

    Hi, there, Miss Karen… thank you for stopping to comment! I’ll come by to visit soon.

    Hi, Kristen!

  4. I’m thankful too! And you left me a comment, which makes me a bigger fan! And archives to read when I’m bored at work! (But of course, I really don’t read the internet at work because then I could be Dooced!) ha ha

  5. Its a fun thing, Dennie. More fun than anything else. A party in my stats!

    Vaguely Urban, thanks for dropping by. You have some great photos on your site.

    Hi again, Erika! I’ve got 2 boys, too, so I feel a kinship!

  6. Um, I think I’ve been living under a rock. I better go check out this dooceling thing. 🙂

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