Podz to the Rescue—Again

I’ve been putting off a certain project that involves making multiple databases and separate WordPress installs for each of them, because mucking about the databases is scary. And I am a weenie.

I re-read the codex tutorial on the topic but felt no backbone stiffening until I went over to Podz’ WordPress guides and looked at Installing WordPress on CPanel. Step-by-Oh-So-Easy-Step. With pictures, mind you.

Podz just has this incredible knack for writing easygoing instructions for the timid. There was much praising of his name over my laptop, let me tell you.

One Reply to “Podz to the Rescue—Again”

  1. Thank you !!

    If there is a tutorial about the cPanel side of things that you think would be useful, please let me know and I’ll happily create it !

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