Monday Morning Mojo No. 6

Picture of destroyed dental floss

WHAT: One Container of Glide Dental Floss

WHAT HAPPENED: The ordinary-looking plastic box may look like it only contained dental floss, but the cunning Mojo saw it for what it really was: a pod containing loathesome, white-tentacled monsters! Lucky for us he destroyed the pod before it could undergo its transformation. Or maybe he just wanted to experience the comfort and convenience of the #1 recommended brand of dental floss.

BONNIE’S REACTION: How long has this been on the floor? How many of you walked over this pile of plastic without bothering to pick it up? Oh, yeah, I forgot Ancient Manly Law #32: “Do not notice anything, or you must pick it up.” Silly me.

TIGER’S REACTION: Uh, were you talking to me?

SQUIRT’S REACTION: Dad! Mom’s going off about those Ancient Manly Laws again!

HUBBY’S REACTION: Did my baby swallow any plastic? No? Whew! Maybe he’s trying to tell us something. Do you think we need to floss his teeth?

6 Replies to “Monday Morning Mojo No. 6”

  1. Mojo is at it again! Is this just your pick of the weekly wreckings, or is this strictly his conquest for the day??

    Does your hubby sleep with Mojo? Mine was napping on the loveseat, with our 60lb Kimber drapped over him like a ragdoll.

  2. In keeping with the role reversal in our marriage, I subscribe to Ancient Manly Law (or New and Improved Lazy Woman Law).

    I’m glad my dogs are toothless and un-inclined to chew anything. I remember well the days of shredded everything.

  3. What gets me is that those “Ancient Manly Laws” are go beyond the boundaries of any country, age group or culture!

  4. Hi, guys!

    Nix: Heh! It’s true.

    Pat: If you enforce the “Leave Me Alone or I’ll Whack You” Rule, you can be a New and Improved Lazy Woman without all those annoying interruptions.

    AE: I’ve got a huge collection of chewed-up items that should last me for months.

    Nobody can sleep with Mojo — he snores too loudly.

  5. Ancient Manly Law #32 Where can I get that book? I *must* give Mary a copy for Christmas. I thought it was in the male genes.

    It must also have a section on what our friend Nikki calls “Boy Looking”. I look in the cupboard / fridge / draw and *it isn’t there*. Mary looks and it has mysteriously moved to the front / deactivated the shield of invisibility / quantum tunnelled in through a wormhole in space.

  6. Yikes! You do that, too, Mark? Is no woman safe from Man’s Inabiity to Find Things?

    It’s been widely reported in historical journals that the reason Columbus didn’t find the East Indies was because he left the little woman behind.

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