Monday Morning Mojo No. 3

WHAT: Brand New Swim Goggles, Still in the Wrapper!

HOW IT HAPPENED: Mojo the Flatulent discovered this pair of swim goggles attempting to infiltrate the Wren household. Alert to every threat, Mojo wrestled them out of the shopping bag and neutralized them in the name of God, family, and the Office of Homeland Security. Or maybe he just had a hankering for a little PVC vinyl and silicone.

SQUIRT’S REACTION: Hey, Mom! Look what Mojo chewed up now! Ha, ha! Dude! He put holes right through the lenses! Ha, ha!

TIGER’S REACTION: Whoa! He opened the package and everything! Har, har!

BONNIE’S REACTION: Laugh it up, monkey boys.

HUBBY’S REACTION: (to Mojo) My baby! Did you swallow any of it? Nasty, evil goggles!


One Reply to “Monday Morning Mojo No. 3”

  1. Here we deal with wads of stuffing that Kimber liberates from, seemingly, overstuffed toys. She rescues them from the evils of stuffing gluttony. I holler, the kids holler (my daughter stamps her foot and points, too *she’s so demonstrative*). And then, my hubby hollers at us for berading the poor, innocent canine. To soothe Kimber’s wounded psyche he then proceeds to baby talk the dog into gooby-wooby-woo bliss.

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