Honey, Does This Make Me Look Fat?

Dove Ad

Lots of reactions about the new Dove Ads, reactions that make me wonder if all that worrisome talk about supermodels ruining the world for the rest of us might be true after all.

Chunky women in their underwear have surrounded my house… When we’re talking women in their underwear on billboards outside my living room windows, give me the fantasy babes, please. —Richard Roeper

One word comes to mind when I see those Dove ads — disturbing. … Really, the only time I want to see a thigh that big is in a bucket with bread crumbs on it (rim shot here). —Lucio Guerrero

Jeez, guys, why don’t you swallow that Cheese Whiz and saltines concoction and make room for your feet?

They expose the nasty inverse of “the beauty standard,” which is the belief, held by some men, that women who don’t look like fantasy material aren’t just unworthy of their attention but are actually offensive, or even menacing. —Wendy McClure

Well said, especially the part about “some men.” Some. Not all. Not the decent guys, anyway.

And now, more of the chunky, non-fantasy babes, all of whom I think look pretty good.

Dove Ad

If only they weren’t selling something so useless as “firming cream.”

2 Replies to “Honey, Does This Make Me Look Fat?”

  1. My question is: when did a “real woman” become defined by her waifness/Rubenesqueness? (Are those words?)

    IMO, to quantify womanhood by form is a disservice to all females. And I’m a misogynist he-man woman hater… 🙂

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