One Type of Emergency Preparedness Plan

Today the house filled up with a strong smell of smoke. It was easy to find the source: our laundry dryer.

It’s unplugged right now and the fire extinguisher is standing guard, the safer for me to investigate. Despite religiously changing the trap, lint appears to have sneaked into the innards and ignited &#8212 or at least I think it did. Deep inside the dryer all the collected lint has a blackened crust.

Maybe it’s time for a new dryer. This one’s pretty old. Older than my marriage even. (OLD.)

And just to be on the safe side, maybe I’ll back up the computer drive again. I think I’ll ask my neighbor to hold onto the backup, too.

The kids and animals are on their own. Which reminds me: Maria Shriver has been on the radio telling us to check out the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services, just in case California tries to shake us off the coastline again.

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