Call me “Dudette”

The latest addition to our household is my nephew Wolfie, who has moved in with us until that great day when:

  1. he resumes his interrupted college career,
  2. he finds a job that pays him $100,000 to start, or
  3. George Clooney persuades him to star in Oceans 13.

For him the benefits of this living arrangement are:

  1. he has a nice place in which to live
  2. the rent is cheap
  3. we feed him

For us the benefits of this arrangement are:

  1. he is very neat and tidy
  2. he is a great housekeeper
  3. the boys listen to him

That last point is an important one, as my boys don’t listen to me any more, even when they really should.

Bonnie: Squirt, you’ve worn that shirt three days in a row! Last night you SLEPT in it. Go upstairs and change your shirt before you kill off all our house plants!

Squirt: In a minute!

(note: “In a minute!” is Teenager Shorthand for “In one minute, her lips will stop flapping and she will go away.”)

But then Wolfie comes into the room.

Wolfie: Dude. That is one stinky ass shirt. Peew, Dude!

Squirt: (Runs upstairs to change his shirt)

As you can see, Wolfie has come in pretty handy lately.

There are a few cons to this living arrangement, however. For Wolfie, they are:

  1. We don’t have cable,
  2. we go to bed by 8:30 pm, and
  3. we’re about as exciting as a pasture of new-mown hay.

For us, the cons are:

  1. The boys listen to Wolfie.

Wolfie: To get a lady’s attention, you gotta tell her what she wants to hear!

(points at some girls behind our backyard fence)

Hull-oh, LADIES! You are lookin’ FINE!

(turns back to Squirt)

Give it a try, Dude.

Squirt: Hey!

(This was not directed at the fine ladies, but at his mother, when she tackled him)

Wolfie: Whoa, Dude!—I mean—Aunt Bonnie! Dude, she took you out!

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