Super Sabado… er… Domingo again

This weekend I got wrapped up in upgrading my blog software and Super Sabado got pushed aside again. Super Domingo isn’t so bad, but I’m missing my margaritas, so let’s break out that blender and get going!

Super Sabado

I’m going to try out a salsa-flavored version of James‘ Blogroll Dive. It may fly and it may flop, but it is my humble opinion that some diced tomatoes, onions and cilantro will always cover a multitude of errors at the dinner table, so why not here, too?


Okay, so my blogging hiatus is lasting a little bit longer than I expected, but the good news is I’m loving my job! So until I figure out how to better balance, my job, home life, housework, and a gazillion other projects I’ve got going on, I’ll rearrange things so this site won’t look so …

MIA, moi?

Thanks to the fires I got a week off from work. I used it wisely: gallivanting about the internet, my first chance in a good while. I was ever so happy to see April continuing her Domingo Delicioso. YOU GO, APRIL!!! I was hoping to find that Miss Snark had decided to come back, but …