Is There Really an Organic Way to Repel Fire Ants and Other Insect Pests From Our Yards?

The Worm Man

Not long after my fire ant column, “Go Away! Ant That Means YOU” made it into the San Diego Union-Tribune I received a phone call from a reader, a Mr. George Hahn.

After our initial confusion (I thought he was an editor; he thought I was a reporter) Hahn explained that he owns California Vermiculture, the company that produces Wormgold earthworm castings.

My disappointment at not being hired as a columnist was great, but I got over it. Besides, Hahn’s subject matter was pretty entertaining.

For those of you who don’t know, worm castings are a polite way of saying worm POOP. And Hahn was on the phone to tell me he has the organic solution to California’s recent fire ant invasion: worm poop. Continue reading “Is There Really an Organic Way to Repel Fire Ants and Other Insect Pests From Our Yards?”

Worm Castings vs. Argentine Ants: Log

Thursday, September 21, 2000

I have two very small flowerbeds on my property, one on the right side of our garage and one on the left. Both have been homes to Alice du Pont Mandevillas, aphids, sowbugs, earwigs, and Argentine Ant nests for five years.

In the right bed I spread a layer of worm castings about 1 inch thick and watered it according to the instructions provided by the Wormgold company. Continue reading “Worm Castings vs. Argentine Ants: Log”