16 Replies to “Remembering September 11”

  1. I think this touching post says it all. All over the world, peple were watching the events unfold with increasing horror and feeling, like you, helpless.

  2. By the time I flipped on the news, the South Tower had already collapsed. The newscasters seemed unaware that people on the West Coast were just waking up, getting showers, making breakfast, etc. I was watching tape of the event which no newscaster bothered explaining beyond that the South Tower had collapsed. I thought the North Tower was burning because of debris from the South Tower.

    Which is to say that until they finally did a long shot and showed that plane flying into the South Tower which stood, pristine for a few brief seconds, beside a burning North Tower, I hadn’t the foggiest that whatever was going on wasn’t some horrible accident.

    I’m still unsure how much of the coverage I saw was live and how much of it was Memorex.

  3. It is with great wistfulness that I recall how much we all wanted to pitch in and help, and how connected to others I felt throughout that horrible time. But now it seems that we are all so disconnected, so separated, so…so…at odds with each other. I feel that the GOP has turned 9/11 into a talking point, no more than a disgusting political ad. The deaths of all those people have been so cheapened by the politicizing of the event.

  4. Welshcakes, we were all agonizing about how we could help. We had candlelight vigils, organized fund-raisers, gave blood (or tried to) but nothing fixed it. Nothing made it better.

    Dennie, didn’t you feel that your kids were suddenly going to grow up in a scarier world than we had? And we were always afraid of nuclear war! After the Berlin Wall fell, it seemed like our kids would be okay. But after 9/11, that reassurance disappeared.

    Me either, Squirrel. I felt like I understood why so many men enlisted on December 7, 1941. I was so worked up, I wanted to join up somewhere, too. Remember how everybody was saying we had to keep shopping? Grandmother Rosie got to rivet, but we all we were supposed to do was shop!

    M.G. I knew something was wrong when a neighbor ran down the street, shouting about something going on in New York. I flipped on the radio but it was too chaotic to understand, so I ran across the street and watched TV at another neighbor’s house. It felt like the end of the world.

    Peacemongermom, thanks for dropping in. I also think we are all so disconnected from each other that it seems we aren’t even speaking the same language. If only we could understand each others’ points of view and work toward a compromise.

    I didn’t know about the anniversary being politicized, though, because we don’t get network TV or cable. It doesn’t seem that way in the newspapers or online. I’ve only seen respect for the dead, and an urging to remember them.

    I knew one of the people who died: Lynn Angell. She was our librarian during my last year of high school. She was a pretty lady and very kind. I would never want to cheapen her memory.

  5. I felt like there was nothing I could do to help, except by giving blood. So many innocent people lost their lives. I wish people would come together all the time, the way they came together on that day.

  6. My Sis! You were the only one of the three of us who were able to give blood. I was so glad at least one of us succeeded!

  7. I saw the whole thing happen live. The only thing I could think to do was call my Pastor. We watched it together, talking over the phone. I’ll never forget that day as long as I live. Many good people from my area died senseleesly that day!

    I pray that we never forget. But with that horrible movie about 9/11 just coming out in the last few weeks, people in New York are feeling the raw, just happened pain, all over again. This is truly a sad year!

  8. Most of us felt useless those terrible days, but the important thing is that you have tried. The important thing is: never forget and go on!

  9. I remember thinking it was a joke. I hadn’t turned on the TV or radio that morning because I was rushed for time. I only learned about it at work, and then I thought it was some stupid, out-of-control internet joke or something.

  10. Michelle. I do hope we never forget, Michelle.

    Bonnie, one thing that helped was being with friends and loved ones. Somehow that helped me calm down and think.

    April, it was. And now, whenever I hear of a bombing (Madrid, London, Iraq, Israel, Lebanon…) it’s more real to me now. They’re no longer just news items to me.

    Flowers, thank you for stopping by to comment. You’re absolutely right. We must go on, but also try to make sure it doesn’t happen again, in ANY country.

    Ms. Karen, when I flipped on the radio that morning (we don’t have network or cable TV) I would’ve thought the same thing, except I could see my neighbor running back and forth in our cul-de-sac. But my mind couldn’t absorb what was happening until I went to watch TV at the house across the street.

  11. Neither can I forget the terror, disappointment and sadness of that gloomy day. That day was the beginning of a worldwide earthquake, that shattered many hearts and homes of people.

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