Halloween Hangman

Screenshot of Halloween Hangman Game

I want to thank Erika of Mom of Two for passing this one to me.

You’ll need the sound turned up while you play, because the charm of the game lies in the skeleton’s line of patter. (Hey, Bernita! PATTER. How’s that for some good vocab?)Screenshot of 'You Lose!' with skeleton hung

In fact, he kind of reminds me of Bruce Campbell. I do know some people who find that gentleman annoying, so if that includes you, you can always lose on purpose.

But I love the guy—so I always do my best to save his doppelgãnger skeleton! (Ooh, Bernita! Doppelgãnger!)

Honorable Mention for Halloween Procrastination Submissions goes to the woman with Squirt’s sick sense of humor… Laurel Wreath, with the Flaming Bag of Poo game!

11 Replies to “Halloween Hangman”

  1. The England is still acquiring the trick-or-treat tradition, re-importing it from the US, although Mary tells me it has always been “celebrated” in Scotland. In inner city London one does not see much evidence of small children going hyper on an overdose of chocolate.

  2. I fell for the hangman, still creeping up on the flaming bag o’ pooh.

    Tried to resist and failed.

    Ack… the nag fairy will locate me and give me grief!

    Thanks, Bonnie, for the fun.

  3. for some reason hangman doesn’t work for me. I sent my son the flaming bag of poo. He wrote back,
    “Nothing says LOVE, like a flaming bag of poo.”


  4. Flaming… bag… heee heee heeeee.

    Hm, shouldn’t it say “warmest ‘squishes'” at the end?

    Hangman = addictive.

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