Spanish Flu, Bird Flu, it’s all the same to these guys

If the bird flu wasn’t bad enough, now we know for sure that the killer “Spanish Flu” was “essentially a bird virus.”

And they know this… how?

Because American scientists re-created a living copy of the 1918 Spanish flu, you know, the one that KILLED 50 MILLION PEOPLE.

Initial tests of the virus show that it is behaving like its lethal ancestor, efficiently killing mice and chicken embryos, and growing lustily in lab dishes of human lung cells. Analysis of its eight genes suggests that it was a bird flu virus that, with remarkably few genetic mutations, adapted to human beings.

Deadliest flu bug given new life in U.S. laboratory, Some applaud scientific feat; others decry move as reckless,” by Sabin Russell, San Francisco Chronicle, Oct. 6, 2005

Via JunkYardBlog.

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